
With Nicolas Roland, 

enthralled by  

The Love of God

 Contemplate, and be surprised

By the heavens above you, splendid and majestic,
By the infinitely vast, the infinitely small,
By the firmament and its starlit cloak.
And by our Brother the Sun…

I want to cry out, my God
You are great, you are beautiful.
Living God, God most high
You are the God of Love!
My God, you are great, you are beautiful.
Living God, God most high
God present in all creation.

Patrick Richard
Psalm of Creation

Psaume de la Création

Voir le magnifique diaporama : MonDieutuesgrand

“Take a higher flight,
giving yourself completely
To the unique Goodness and Beauty.
Be content with God : he will be your light,
your strength, your shelter at all times”.
                                                               Nicolas Roland

O you, who are at home
in the depth of my heart,
Be praised O Lord…

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Listen to the Word of God

                                                which enthused him :

“In the beginning was the Word
And the Word was with God and the Word was God
And the Word became flesh
And he dwelt amongst us,
And we have seen his glory.
The Word was the true light
Which enlightens every man.
And to all those who have received Him
He has given the power to become the children of God”
                        Jn 1, 1-18

Word of the Father, we adore you
Only Son, we bless you !

“In the Crib,
on the Cross,
on the Altar
where we see you
by our love.
In complete annihilation”.

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With Nicolas Roland

With Nicolas Roland                  

                             Contemplate, adore :

Glory and praise to you, Oh Lord,
Father, Spirit and Incarnate Word.

Blessed be you, for your immense Love
You have enthused Blessed Roland by its power.
Dazzled from childhood  by that immense brightness,
His whole life was for ever transfigured by it.

Contemplating, adoring Jesus in his Infancy,
Humble before the Crib, the Cross and the Altar,
He accepted them, he walked in the Lord’s presence,
It was the road of Love to which he committed himself .

(Hymn composed for the beatification of Nicolas Roland in 1994)

Lord, help us to understand
in the contemplation of your Son
who became a little child among men,
the infinite love
with which you love each one
   and especially children.

Mgr Balland

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“It is no longer I who live
It is Christ who lives in me”.

Gal 2, 20

“Enter the dispositions of Mary :
Presence of God
To receive in your heart
her Divine Son.

Join the dispositions of the Holy Child,
Give yourself to the Blessed Virgin”.

Nicolas Roland

“Often enter in spirit the interior life of Jesus,
of the Blessed Virgin
and of so many holy men and women
Who were united with God”…
Nicolas Roland

Mary, help me to share
Your attitude of silence,
Of the presence of God, of humility,
So that I can receive in my heart
Jesus, your Divine Son,
And so that the Holy Spirit will form Jesus in me
And in the heart of all those
To whom you send me.
Jesus, be entirely within me.

 Dear Jesus, living in Mary,
Come and live in me.

In the tenderness of your heart and your humility,
In your compassion,
in your matchless love come and live in us

 Come and live in us, Jesus, Incarnate Word
In your haste to reach the Father,
in your Spirit that you give to us all

Come and live in us, Well-beloved Son of the Father,
Light of light, true God of true God.

Come and live in us, Jesus, Splendour of the Father
Eternal Wisdom, King of Glory.

                                              Dominican Sisters of Langeac

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Allow yourself to be loved

Go forward to meet love. “

                                                                                                                Nicolas Roland

“Voluntarily will I say with a great Saint :  

 “When shall we love, love itself ?
Are we waiting for new subjects to love,
New advantages, new beauties
To love this God of love
who comes to seek our heart
through the humility of the crib,
through the tenderness of his childhood,
through his childish tears and cries.
Will not this divine fire melt the ice of our heart?
Let us therefore begin to love this Divine Child for ever”.
                                                                                       Nicolas Roland

When will we allow ourselves
to love through God’s help ?…

Believe in Love, you who would like to perform
great works, but who do not know how to escape
from this world and its snares.
In the heart of God, Nicolas Roland learnt
to love and help this world of ours.
You also, dare to believe
that Someone calls you by your name.
Mgr Balland

“Ah, when I think how much God loves us…
I am pierced to the heart to see
how the world can pass by without loving
Him who deserves all our love”
   Nicolas Roland

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Like a child

“Whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God
As a little child, will never enter it.”
                                                                          Lk 18, 17

“If you do not become little like children,
that is to say without seeing yourself with pride
You will never enter the Kingdom”.

Psalm 130  

O Lord, my heart is not lifted up
My eyes are not raised too high
I do not worry myself with things
Too great and too marvellous for me.

But my soul is quiet and calm
Like a child at its mother’s breast
Like a child at rest is my soul.
O Israel, hope in the Lord
From this time forth and for evermore.

With Nicolas Roland, overcome by so great a love of the God
who became a child, who lowered himself to that extent to be with us :

Divine and adorable Child Jesus
Who so generously gave yourself to me,
by your holy birth
I look at you, I revere you,
I adore you in your holy infancy.
O Jesus, the beauty of the heavens,
The delight of angels and the salvation of mankind,
Here I am, humbly prostrated at the foot of your crib,
In order to recognise you all-powerful in your weakness,
Infinitely great in your lowliness.

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Is it possible ?

Is prayer possible today ?

    Is it of any use ?

How can it be of any use in our present world,
which has become cold,
where everyone has doubts, suffering, fear or worries,
loneliness and a sense of the shortness of life?

“May be”, is your answer, “but I am not sure”.

“I don’t know how to pray any more”.

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If you are willing to find out : listen…

“In him you have the surest of guides”

Those are the words of John Paul II in Rome on the 16 October,
at the Beatification of Nicolas Roland (1642–1678).


This young priest, canon and theologian of Reims’ cathedral,
friend and counsellor of Saint John Baptist de La Salle
and Founder of  the Sisters of the Child Jesus…

This young man from a middle-class family,
well educated, able to see various sides of a question,
could have become rich and powerful and a man of distinction.

But he was called to follow another course,
another route to which he became passionately devoted.
He lived in the world of his day,
with its poverty and wretchedness, uncertainty and fear,
where the rich dominated and the poor never had a say,
he found the road shown him by God,
a road shown him by and in prayer.

And he invited everyone, the young, adults, children,
priests to follow the same road and he trained them how to do so.

He discovered that « God has so loved the world,
that he has given his Son » to teach us how to pray to him as a son,
and how to speak to one another as brothers and sisters.

This prayer is given to us in Jesus, by Jesus and with Jesus………..

This road is “the life we live”, in which “we converse”,
and have “relationships”.

Nicolas Roland says to you :

«In this daily life which is doubtlessly your own :

Listen to your heart…..

Discover a presence which is more real
that this visible presence,
which dazzles you and attracts your whole being…


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In the footsteps of Nicolas Roland…

Nicolas Roland
passionate witness of Jesus Christ,

guide and founder.

Priest of the diocese of Reims,

Founder of the Sisters of Child Jesus

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