With Jesus

I am the vine, you are the branches
He who remains in me and in whom I live
Will bear much fruit
Because, without me, you can do nothing”.

                                                                    Jn 15

Look at Jesus : adore
(Jesus before your eyes)

Unite yourself with Jesus :
commune with him 
(Jesus  in our  hearts)

Work with Jesus : cooperate
 (Jesus in your hands) 

An easy way suggested by Olier
( priest of the XVIIe century)

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“He who becomes accustomed
to look at God in all his actions
Journeying along the road to God…
Will be the ideal of a blessed soul”.
Nicolas Roland

 “If you want to have
a familiar conversation with God,
Try always to walk in his presence.
Be persuaded that God says to you
What he said ages ago to Abraham:
Walk before me and be perfect”.
Nicolas Roland

«Wherever you go always have this thought:
God is here, he fills this place.
Who can dare displease God
When he sees Him before him,
Surrounded by all his power,
His wisdom, his pity, his justice ?
Nicolas Roland

 “Never condemn things without knowing them,
And when they have several aspects
Look at  their most beautiful one”.
Nicolas Roland

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Continue listening

Continue listening

“Be faithful to prayer:
it is the source from which you obtain
all the grace and enlightenment
that you need.”
Nicolas Roland

 I shall follow you, Jesus

Show me the way…

Blessed Nicolas Roland you said :

 Raise your eyes to Heaven,
To contemplate God there
In all his Beauty, his Greatness.

But also
Look at Him, near you :
He is present in all you do :
Your words, your thoughts,
He is a witness to your every feeling.

Nicolas Roland

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Look at Him, in all your needs :

If you are ill,
Look at Him as your doctor
Ready to cure you.

If you have doubts, or are in the dark,
Look at Him as to a light,
Which enlightens you and instructs you.

 If your are lacking in fervour or generosity,
Look at Him as at a fire,
Which warms you and gives you fervour

 If you are in pain, in anguish,
Look at him as one who consoles,
And He will give you peace

If you are weak and weary,
Look at Him as your strength, your support.

Because God offers all that for you.

Help us to pray

Jesus, you are always present
In the depth of my soul by your Spirit:
Make me feel that presence.

You are the doctor, cure me.
You are the light, enlighten me.
You are Fire, warm me.
You are the consoler, comfort me.
You are my strength, strengthen me.
                                                Nicolas Roland

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Be receptive

Simplicity is a virtue that God gives us,
because it is the fruit of the Spirit of his Son,
who throughout his whole life had only one wish
which was the Glory of his Father.


The simple soul is humble and gentle, patient,
charitable, faithful to its obligations.

It never looks at itself, it judges no one,
taking everything as well meant.

It cannot be worried at what happens to it,
because, having only God in view, nothing can annoy it.

God is pleased with the simple soul
and takes pleasure in telling it his secrets.”

                                                     Nicolas Roland

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Be opven

He is shocked by

the wretchedness of humanity

and welcomes the Fire

of the Love of God.

Love both God and your neighbour with equal charity,

Because God does not separate the charity
That he wants us to have towards Him
from that which he asks us to have
towards of brothers and sisters”.
Nicolas Roland

“Our whole perfection consists in loving God
Love Him with all your strength
Love Him in the place of all who do not love Him”.
Nicolas Roland

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Follow Jesus

Jesus the man with heart ablaze

A man with a heart of flesh,
Who wants to reconcile earth with heaven
Jesus, the Word of life,
A man with a heart of flesh
Invites us to the happiness which his love gives us :
The joy which comes from Him,
comes as a witness of Easter!
Jesus, Word of life, invites us to happiness…

For the glory of God and his highest praise,
For the glory of God,
and the salvation of the world !
Didier Rimaud

I shall follow you Jesus:
Show me the way…

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Ask forgiveness

Ask forgiveness

« The immense love of Jesus for you
Is all the more immense
than your infidelity and malice…
No matter what happens,
never lose this holy confidence,
Which must be your only refuge and your all”.

 Look at St. Peter.
Having denied his master, he weeps,
But unlike Judas, he does not despair.
He is the one who goes forward to Jesus,
And the one who when Jesus rebukes him,
Has only this to say:
‘Lord, you know that I love you’.

Since because of his failure he is convinced
of his wretchedness and his inabilities…
He had recourse  to the physician.
                                                   Nicolas Roland

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Offer yourself

Offer yourself

“Abandon yourself
to the leadership of God,
Who gives his grace
to the humble,
and who speaks through their words.
Go to Him with great simplicity,
Without thinking of yourself
For he will look after you”.
Nicolas Roland

“Faithfulness, faithfulness to grace:
There lies the secret of spiritual life…
Take care never to gave way to discouragement,
Have confidence in God,
abandon yourself to Him”
                                    Nicolas Roland

  In the midst of all the storms
and agitations of your spirit,
Try to remain calm
in the interior of yourself :
All is allowed by God,
Not in order to let all kinds of evil germinate,
But so that we can place ourselves above it all,
By being one with Him”.
Nicolas Roland

“In Him
we have life,
Movement and our being”.
              Ac 17, 28

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Come with hope

“He never looked on the poor but
with the eyes of faith,
Seeing only Jesus in them”.
Nicolas Roland

“Be zealous in training persons,
Who will look after the young,
Helping  them to persevere and not to lose
the grace of their Baptism”.
Nicolas Roland

“The greatest task that God wishes to hand to us
Is to save our Brothers  and Sisters for Him”.
                                Nicolas Roland

Give us Hope

In your Word made flesh, who came to our earth,
Becoming a servant deprived and humiliated.
For the salvation of the world
And for your greater glory,
He was an Apostle with so ardent a soul
That He gave himself entirely to you.

He brought hope to poor children.
He contemplated the suffering Jesus,
And he assembled as helpers in his teaching
Generous women who consecrated themselves to God
By answering the call.

Holy Child Jesus,
I offer myself, and I do so entirely.
I give myself to you in this congregation,
And I join with others, taking on a child’s,
Innocence, humility, and silence.
Be my helper, my shelter,
My place of refuge
For time and for eternity. Amen.

Prayer of the congregation of the XVIIe Century

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