
With Nicolas Roland, 

enthralled by  

The Love of God

 Contemplate, and be surprised

By the heavens above you, splendid and majestic,
By the infinitely vast, the infinitely small,
By the firmament and its starlit cloak.
And by our Brother the Sun…

I want to cry out, my God
You are great, you are beautiful.
Living God, God most high
You are the God of Love!
My God, you are great, you are beautiful.
Living God, God most high
God present in all creation.

Patrick Richard
Psalm of Creation

Psaume de la Création

Voir le magnifique diaporama : MonDieutuesgrand

“Take a higher flight,
giving yourself completely
To the unique Goodness and Beauty.
Be content with God : he will be your light,
your strength, your shelter at all times”.
                                                               Nicolas Roland

O you, who are at home
in the depth of my heart,
Be praised O Lord…

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