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Archives de l’auteur : Sœurs du Saint Enfant Jésus Reims
With Nicolas Roland, enthralled by The Love of God Contemplate, and be surprised By the heavens above you, splendid and majestic, By the infinitely vast, the infinitely small, By the firmament and its starlit cloak. And by our Brother the … Continuer la lecture
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Listen to the Word of God which enthused him : “In the beginning was the Word And the Word was with God and the Word was God And the Word became flesh And he dwelt amongst us, And we … Continuer la lecture
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With Nicolas Roland
With Nicolas Roland Contemplate, adore : Glory and praise to you, Oh Lord, Father, Spirit and Incarnate Word. Blessed be you, for your immense Love You have enthused Blessed Roland by its power. Dazzled from childhood by that immense brightness, … Continuer la lecture
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“It is no longer I who live It is Christ who lives in me”. Gal 2, 20 “Enter the dispositions of Mary : Silence Prayer Presence of God Humility To receive in your heart her Divine Son. Join the dispositions … Continuer la lecture
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Allow yourself to be loved
“Go forward to meet love. “ Nicolas Roland “Voluntarily will I say with a great Saint : “When shall we love, love itself ? Are we waiting for new subjects to love, New advantages, new beauties To love … Continuer la lecture
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Like a child
“Whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God As a little child, will never enter it.” Lk 18, 17 “If you do not become little like children, that is to say without seeing yourself with pride You will never … Continuer la lecture
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Is it possible ?
Is prayer possible today ? Is it of any use ? How can it be of any use in our present world, which has become cold, where everyone has doubts, suffering, fear or worries, loneliness and a sense of the … Continuer la lecture
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If you are willing to find out : listen…
“In him you have the surest of guides” Those are the words of John Paul II in Rome on the 16 October, at the Beatification of Nicolas Roland (1642–1678). This young priest, canon and theologian of Reims’ cathedral, friend … Continuer la lecture
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In the footsteps of Nicolas Roland…
Nicolas Roland passionate witness of Jesus Christ, guide and founder. Priest of the diocese of Reims, Founder of the Sisters of Child Jesus
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