Archives de l’auteur : Sœurs du Saint Enfant Jésus Reims

With Jesus

“I am the vine, you are the branches… He who remains in me and in whom I live Will bear much fruit Because, without me, you can do nothing”.                                                                     Jn 15 Look at Jesus : adore (Jesus before your eyes) … Continuer la lecture

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Listen “He who becomes accustomed to look at God in all his actions Journeying along the road to God… Will be the ideal of a blessed soul”. Nicolas Roland  “If you want to have a familiar conversation with God, Try … Continuer la lecture

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Continue listening

Continue listening “Be faithful to prayer: it is the source from which you obtain all the grace and enlightenment that you need.” Nicolas Roland  I shall follow you, Jesus Show me the way… Blessed Nicolas Roland you said :  Raise your … Continuer la lecture

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Look at Him, in all your needs : If you are ill, Look at Him as your doctor Ready to cure you. If you have doubts, or are in the dark, Look at Him as to a light, Which enlightens … Continuer la lecture

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Be receptive “Simplicity is a virtue that God gives us, because it is the fruit of the Spirit of his Son, who throughout his whole life had only one wish which was the Glory of his Father. The simple soul … Continuer la lecture

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Be opven

He is shocked by the wretchedness of humanity and welcomes the Fire of the Love of God. Love both God and your neighbour with equal charity, Because God does not separate the charity That he wants us to have towards … Continuer la lecture

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Follow Jesus

Jesus the man with heart ablaze A man with a heart of flesh, Who wants to reconcile earth with heaven Jesus, the Word of life, A man with a heart of flesh Invites us to the happiness which his love … Continuer la lecture

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Ask forgiveness

Ask forgiveness « The immense love of Jesus for you Is all the more immense than your infidelity and malice… No matter what happens, never lose this holy confidence, Which must be your only refuge and your all”.  Look at St. … Continuer la lecture

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Offer yourself

Offer yourself “Abandon yourself to the leadership of God, Who gives his grace to the humble, and who speaks through their words. Go to Him with great simplicity, Without thinking of yourself For he will look after you”. Nicolas Roland … Continuer la lecture

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Come with hope

“He never looked on the poor but with the eyes of faith, Seeing only Jesus in them”. Nicolas Roland “Be zealous in training persons, Who will look after the young, Helping  them to persevere and not to lose the grace … Continuer la lecture

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