Offer yourself

Offer yourself

“Abandon yourself
to the leadership of God,
Who gives his grace
to the humble,
and who speaks through their words.
Go to Him with great simplicity,
Without thinking of yourself
For he will look after you”.
Nicolas Roland

“Faithfulness, faithfulness to grace:
There lies the secret of spiritual life…
Take care never to gave way to discouragement,
Have confidence in God,
abandon yourself to Him”
                                    Nicolas Roland

  In the midst of all the storms
and agitations of your spirit,
Try to remain calm
in the interior of yourself :
All is allowed by God,
Not in order to let all kinds of evil germinate,
But so that we can place ourselves above it all,
By being one with Him”.
Nicolas Roland

“In Him
we have life,
Movement and our being”.
              Ac 17, 28

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