
Look at Him, in all your needs :

If you are ill,
Look at Him as your doctor
Ready to cure you.

If you have doubts, or are in the dark,
Look at Him as to a light,
Which enlightens you and instructs you.

 If your are lacking in fervour or generosity,
Look at Him as at a fire,
Which warms you and gives you fervour

 If you are in pain, in anguish,
Look at him as one who consoles,
And He will give you peace

If you are weak and weary,
Look at Him as your strength, your support.

Because God offers all that for you.

Help us to pray

Jesus, you are always present
In the depth of my soul by your Spirit:
Make me feel that presence.

You are the doctor, cure me.
You are the light, enlighten me.
You are Fire, warm me.
You are the consoler, comfort me.
You are my strength, strengthen me.
                                                Nicolas Roland

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